Back to School Bash

Give Now

August 9th | 6-8pm ET
Fremont Linear Park
1748 W. Cherry Street, Tampa, FL 33607

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West Tampa is a GOOD place with a long history of community involvement and engagement. This year, we are putting that message on blast to the kids and youth of this area through our our annual Back-to-School Bash in the Park on August 9th where we will showcase the success stories of our community for our kids and youth to see and celebrate as possibilities for their future. We need your help to get the message out to the kids and youth here in this community to change hearts and destinies for GOOD. Will you join with us as we raise $5,000 to pull off a fantastic community dinner with games, prizes, prayer, baptism and inspiration on offer?

This August we are gathering again in Fremont Linear Park to tell the success stories of individuals from across West Tampa along with dinner, games & prizes, prayer, baptism and more. Bringing together families, local business owners and artists for a night where we celebrate the youth of this area, as we also speak into their futures to help them capture the vision God has for their future.

West Tampa is a place of real promise and it has a good future ahead, but right now we still have over 1/3 of our kids leaving high school without graduating, and most of these are young men. With 45.2% of the children in this area living in poverty, they desperately need to hear the sound of hope and to know that success is on offer here and now for them as they walk into their future with God. REVIVE Tampa is committed to walking with the youth and families of West Tampa to call out and call up the gold that God has placed in them. Will you help us as we shift the sound here in the neighborhood to HOPE?

Give to the Back to School Bash

What does a REVIVED West Tampa look like?

  • Fathers engaged in raising their children
  • Husbands and wives maintaining their covenant
  • Youth, especially young men, graduating high school and moving onto workforce training or college degrees.
  • Gun violence eliminated
  • Drug use and dealing decreased
  • Community safety and engagement increased

Strong Men

What are we doing to bring REVIVAL to West Tampa?

See Full Article on Bay News 9

- Creating family-friendly community events in the center of Old West Tampa
Read Tampa Bay Times Article | Read Fox13 News Article

- Offering end of the school year celebrations for youth

- Christmas & Easter celebrations to bring the gospel of hope

Partner With Us

Will you join with us as we raise $5,000?

Amount Raised:


Give once now or commit to a recurring gift. If you choose the recurring gift option, make sure to click the “Setup automated giving” option and then choose your monthly timing. Your gift means so much to us and to this community! Thank you for partnering with us and becoming a REVIVALIST!

Thank You to Our Sponsors and Partners

  • Publix
  • Tampa Bay Buccaneers
  • Zoo Tampa at Lowry Park
  • The Tampa Theatre
  • The Florida Aquarium
  • TECO